Little guy isn't so little anymore... At his 2 month check-up on Tuesday, his weight was 13lbs (75th percentile), 22 1/2 inches (25th percentile) long, and head circumference of 15 1/2 inches (30th percentile).
He loves to give smiles and have his cheeks tickled (Elena is the best at this). Zachary has slept 6 hours straight a couple nights now, and we're looking forward to more of this.
For receiving 5 shots, 1 oral vaccine, and a blood draw, he didn't give too many tears and was easily consoled. He had to have his blood drawn for a base bili count. With a history of Gilbert's Syndrome in the family, his doctor wants to make sure that is the reason for his yellow hue and that his bili count stays low.
Zachary enjoys his tummy time and being held - by anyone! Auntie Tracy says this is a Gemini trait that appeases his need to be the center of attention. His swing and bouncy seat are enjoyable napping places because they are portable (somehow he can sense when he's alone in the room and wakes up...). Zachary also enjoys sucking on his fist and taking showers and baths.
Here's Zachary "talking." Can you hear Elena singing in the background?
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