Monday, September 28, 2009

Zachy is 15 months old!


Zachy is 32” tall (75%), weighs 23lbs 8oz (40%) and has a head circumference of 18 3/4” (70%).  He really needs to pack on some weight so his pants won’t keep falling off…

He’s a great eater (especially fruit) and has about 10 words.  His motor skills are fantastic – running, jumping, throwing, coloring, etc.  He prefers nursing to cow’s milk, but hopefully that will change by the end of the year.

We love you Zachy!  Keep growing strong!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Zachary at the shore.

First, check out the scene. DSC02414 Second, head straight for the water.  It is always the most fun.DSC02422 Third, splash, splash, and splash some more.  It’s ok because Mommy always packs extra clothes.DSC02425 Uh-oh, distracted by a bird!  At least this one was alive…DSC02428 Zachy loved pulling this bull kelp along the beach.DSC02429 Ok, taking the wet clothes off seemed like a good idea, but wearing only a diaper in the sand?  It was everywhere!DSC02439 Hey guys!DSC02457 The next day we were smarter and kept him in the clothes no matter how wet or sandy they got.DSC02464Zachy loved every minute on the beach, hopefully we can go next September too. DSC02480

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Evergreen State Fair in Monroe

Zachy went to the fair and saw all the animals!DSC02363He liked the chickens, ducks, fish, pigs, goats, and cows.  Grandpa came too!  And Grandma, and Auntie, and Lisa, and Maria, and Erin.  Plus Mommy and Elena of course. DSC02368 Ducks!  If only we were allowed to feed them or take them swimming…DSC02372 He was not enthusiastic about riding this tractor.  He probably thought it was too small.DSC02375 All that animal viewing makes for an exhausting day!DSC02376