Thursday, March 24, 2011

3-2-1 BLAST OFF!

Zachy may have enough space shirts to last a spaceship orbit around earth.  How can we get him a ticket?
Can Kitty Warrick get a ticket too?

Loving Orange, Loving Robots

Zachy loves sitting on the heater in the morning.  Sometimes it's better than sneaking into Mom's bed!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where will Zachy sleep? Answer: Just about anywhere.

In the swing:

On a chair:

With Rainey:

On Mommy while dancing at a wedding:

In the clean clothes basket:

This is sounding like a Dr. Seuss story--Will Zachy sleep in a box? Will Zachy sleep with a fox?

Space sleep

Awesome pjs with glow-in-the-dark planets, stars, and moons.  Zachy's trick to making them glow is to shine his flashlight on them and then go into the dark closet.  He gets so excited and wants to show everyone!

Our newest addition

No, we've had Zachy for awhile... The shirt is new.  And it's a favorite - he has just loved showing it off today! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Which is better? The cookie or the dough?

I think in this case the picture tells the story.

Robot sighting!

Zachy is playing Yumsters on the computer with his robot shirt and some orange pants.  And a face covered in hot cocoa.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Root beer lover

Finally a kid who likes carbonation!  His new love is root beer, but he still enjoys his bubble water.  Root beer in a cup, as part of a float, through a straw, or straight from the bottle - Zachy is not picky!  And he loves the burps that follow ;-)

Space Ranger to the rescue!

Zachy has so many cool space (and robot) shirts and pajamas, we have to share.  But are these Buzz Lightyear uniform pjs space or robot?  Zachy's answer is that they are Buzz Lightyear.  Guess they get their own category!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

For the love of ROBOTS!

These robot pjs are so stinkin' cute!  Or should it be said that Zachy is stinkin' cute in these pjs?  Dials and gears and even an on/off switch on the back (it doesn't work).
Zachy loves robots in all forms - movies, toys, pretend play, and clothes.  Domo arigato!