Saturday, June 28, 2008

SO strong!

Here's Zachary holding his head high. Strong little guy had his body pushed up earlier! Today Zachary was also swinging his legs around trying to roll over - didn't even come close!

Meeting Mr. Holmes

This is Mark. His big sister Aubrie is a good friend of my sister. Mark was born in April, so we'll probably be good buds too. For more about Mark and Aubrie, you can visit their blog here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

3 - 2 - 1 - BLAST OFF!

Here's Zachary in his "space suit" He's got a cameo in the upcoming Space Chimps movie. Heh!

Strawberry picking

Strawberry fields are a great place to sleep!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2 week doctor appointment

Zachary had his 2 week check-up yesterday. He is now 20 1/4" long (3/4" longer than birth) and weighs 7lbs 8oz (2oz heavier than at birth). His head circumference is 14". Dr. Ege says he looks great and is a tough guy with neck strength comparable to a 4 month old. Zachary got his first HepB shot and pricked for blood for a PKU test with little crying. His next appointment is at 2 months.

Family resemblance?

Elena and Zachary around 10 days old. Same eyes, nose, and coloring. Gosh, Elena sure had full lips!

Visiting Daddy's work

Daddy went back to work today - we miss you! But last Thursday, we all took a trip to Seattle to introduce Zachary to Daddy's co-workers and the fish at the aquarium.
We stopped and visited Carm too.
And Elena was nice enough to pose for this picture with her little brother.
Wonder if we'll make it to Seattle for another visit before Halloween...


Finding places to rest is easy! Good thing Grandpa's chair can tip back really far... Silly Whitto!
Elena fell asleep on me, and then I joined her in dreamland. I guess I'm a great pillow!
Love, Zachary

I'm an innie!

I lost my umbilical cord Friday morning and poor Mommy found it. She had been making Daddy change my diapers the evening before in the hopes that it would come off for him. But, no luck... It was found in my jammies during an early morning change. By early, I mean really early because Mommy couldn't make loud surprising noises that would wake big sister. Now the be-bo scab is in the trash and you can come check out my cute belly!
Love, Zachary

Monday, June 16, 2008

Zachary update

Elena has been going picture crazy! We are going to have so many baby pictures of Zachary... Here's his feet!
Zachary has been getting some sun because his bili count was in the risky zone. As of today, his bili count is well below the risky zone - hooray! The nurse credited his hungry habits and busy pooping more than the sun, but we're just glad his jaundice color is disappearing. Zachary had his first bath at home given by Mommy and Elena. Grandma took the pictures. And of course, Zachary hated it because he hates being naked - you do not want to hear this kid at diaper change time...
Since Saturday, Zachary has gained 2oz - right on schedule for gaining an ounce a day. He hasn't passed his hearing test yet, but the nurse says it's hard to get a reading because he has the tiniest ear canals (especially for a full-term baby). She thinks he most likely has fluid in his ear, so he's rescheduled for a check in 2 weeks.
Elena gave him his own Kitty Warrick to cuddle. And he's been hugging him and sucking on his tail. We can't wait to introduce him to the real Warrick!

For Aunt Amy

Aunt Amy requested some video of me.

Here I am waking up.

Here I am with my bippy, a big yawn, and the hiccups.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hello World!

Here I am - Zachary Igor! Born Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 3:09 am. I was 19 1/2 inches long, and 7 lbs 6 oz at birth.
Daddy loves me, Mommy loves me, and Big Sister loves me!

I really liked screaming at first, but once I got dressed, I quieted down. I can't wait to meet everyone and make new friends!
Love, Zachary