Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Frank's on Whidbey Island

Zachary slept through most of our time at Frank's. We don't think he was feeling very well (very congested), so the sleep was welcomed.More sleep!
Zachary was awake long enough for Elena to bury his feet in the sand (up to his knees actually). It was cute and he seemed to really enjoy the feel of the sand and the smell of the beach. This was his first trip to a beach and we didn't take any pictures of him on it!

Zachary Whale Watching

This is what Zachary did on the Island Explorer 3:
Zachary bundled up.

Zachary asleep in the Ergo carrier.
Zachary having fun with Elena.
Zachary asleep again.

Three Month Photos

Here's Zachary at 3 months. He's closer to 4 months now, but we still wanted to share the pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Zachary in bed

Story time with Auntie and Elena.Sleeping under Fat Whitto.
Here's Zachary running his marathon.

Zachary has become very vocal, but in a nice chatty way. He also loves to play with blankets. He'll grasp toys (and hair) and is almost able to sit up unassisted.

Out of state

Zachary has earned his traveler badge. We drove (in 1 day) to Nevada (through Oregon and California) to visit Great Grandma and some other members of Grandma's family.

Here's Zachary with Great Uncle Jim and Cullen.
A cozy picture with Great Grandma.
Zachary cried a lot for Great Uncle Dave...
All the visiting is exhausting!
Zachary's favorite part of the trip was going to the pool. It was fun for him to wear a swimsuit in the water. He just loved kicking his little legs! Too bad blogger is being finicky and not allowing the video to load.
Who knew you could take a nap in the swimming pool?
Zachary finds his hands tasty. He finds other peoples' hands tasty too.
Thanks for a great visit Great Grandma! Hope to see you again soon!

Another fun day to sleep through...

Look at those giant horses Zachary! Oh, wait, you're asleep in the Ergo again. Zachary slept through the horses and most of the food (mmm... elephant ears..) but woke up for the livestock and some photos with Mommy and Elena.
Stinky barns mask the smell of stinky diapers.
Aw, a different mommy and baby.
Next year Zachary will get to try the pony ride and a snow cone at the fair.

Think these 2 animals would get cozy in the real world?

A bat and a poodle happy together - who would have guessed? These are the 2008 Halloween costumes. Zachary is a bat and Elena a poodle. Looking forward to trick-or-treating!
Don't you think Zachary looks fabulous in black and gray?

NW Trek

Well, not quite as tall as a moose, but they still let us in to NW Trek. It is a huge place with so many things to see, hear, and smell.
Zachary enjoyed napping in the Ergo carrier throughout the park. Even though it was the end of August, the weather was cool and a little wet and because the park is basically a forest, it felt like Autumn in the woods.
Hey, I'm awake now! But Daddy says it's time to go home, bye-bye.

Princess Zachary

A handsome princess? Is there such a thing? Despite the clothes, he still looks like a boy. Big sister says the ensemble isn't complete until a pink crown is added.
Ta-da! What a good baby to put up with his sister's "great" ideas...
Don't forget the bag! What? No princess slippers?
Dress-up sure is tiring. Plus, it's good to be back in clothes that aren't sparkly or frilly...

Wake Up Zachary!

Sorry, I've been sleeping through September and haven't had my blog updated. Time to wake up and share some pictures and movies of me growing up - I'm 3 1/2 months old now! I've moved to a new house, do you have all my contact information?
Love, Zachary