One and a half years old and still not sleeping in his crib. Why oh why couldn’t you be a self soother?!? By the way, Zachy loves this Cars blanket from Aunt Sarah, Uncle Greg, and his three cousins. We sang Happy Birthday just for Zachary’s amusement. It makes him smile.
Crafty Elena made the candlestick holders in her Woodworking with hand tools class. Love that class and the amazing things she comes home with – bird feeder, mailbox, garden signs, spinning top, and nametag necklace to name a few.
Zachary had a successful 18 month visit at the pediatricians. They were impressed that he hadn’t been sick with any colds or fevers and glad that he had added some more words to his vocabulary. He says hat, calls Santa ho-ho, recognizes kitty, says up and down, and uh-uh for just about everything else :-) He finally said Mama after saying Dada and Sissy (Elena) for over a month.
Zachy measured 32 3/8” tall (55%), 24lbs 4oz (30% and just over a half pound increase from September), and head circumference of 19” (60%). H1N1 was in stock so he got that vaccination and will have to return in 4 weeks to get the 2nd dose.
Zachy’s skinny waist is making it hard to find pants that fit in the waist. Adjustable waists don’t show up until size 2T and he is too short for those. We are having better luck with Crazy 8 and Gap than with the Gymboree pants. If you know of any better brands, let us know! We don’t like baby plumber butt at all!
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