Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another day of feeding ducks at Country Village

A beautiful sunny day and a bag of bread to get rid of, we’re off to feed the ducks!DSC00557 Zachy says hi ducks!  QUACK!DSC00558

As soon as they see us with the bag of bread, the ducks and geese start to swarm.  The babies weren’t babies anymore, but we could tell them apart because they still had some fluffy down.DSC00563

Good thing the ducks like to share their bread…DSC00566


Elena put a handful of bread on the rock by Zachary hoping he’ll help her feed the ducks.  He seems content just snacking…DSC00586    The ducks get braver and attempt to get Zachy’s stash.  C’mon Zachy, throw the bread!DSC00590So close he can touch them!  But as soon as Zachy makes his move, the duck backs off.  Then big sis comes and throws the last of the bread into the pond.DSC00603

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