Zachy was anxious to start trick-or-treating and eat some candy. Jim’s octopus costume. His group didn’t do a theme this year.
Zachy is appeased by the blue lollipop. He calls them pops. He understands chocolate and candy, but won’t say the words. When he wants an MnM, he gets a big smile and says, “Emmm!”
The lollipop destroyed the costume. After salvaging the little animal figures, it went straight into the trash.
Rolling around on the carpet didn’t help the tornado’s lifespan either…
Everyone thought Zachy was adorable and loved his costume.
Zachy fell in love with drinking fountains.
Pushing the button to get the water to jump out at you, then trying to catch the water in your mouth, oh such fun for a 15 month old!
Jim found it amusing too.
Reaching for the candy on Daddy’s desk.
Drowning in the tornado, but that doesn’t slow down the quest for sugar!
Since the tornado was in the trash and Zachy needed more candy, we had to squeeze him into last year’s bat costume. Just a little short in the sleeves and pant legs, no big deal.
C’mon, let’s go get candy!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
at The Farm
Elena’s class had a field trip to pumpkin patch. It was cold and wet, but we still got our pumpkins. Zachy liked the animals the most. There were ducks, bunnies, goats, sheep, pigs, and kitties.
Choose that one! It’s close to the tractor and not too muddy!
The tractor ride out to the pumpkin field was chilly! We huddled together to keep as warm as we could. Zachy fell in the mud a few times and fell out of his boots a few more times. We changed clothes before heading home…
Sunday, October 25, 2009
What a terror of a tornado!
Zachy’s tornado costume turned out super cute with little animals and trees sewn in, but he only wore it half of the time. Zachy loved the disappearing ghost poop activity. Probably because it involved playing in the water…
His favorite part of the haunted house was the mommy mummy and baby mummy.
Helping Maddie (er, Little Red Riding Hood) make a floam monster!
Zachy also spent a lot of time at the bug box station because it was all candy, candy, candy.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Ooh, orange balls!
Zachy thinks they are balls, but he’ll learn that they are pumpkins before October is over!Zachy did find a pumpkin that was big enough to be manly, yet small enough that he could lift it.
This is just as much fun as mushrooming!
Daddy had to help break the pumpkin off the vine.
Pumpkin patches are full of things to trip over… Zachy even lost a shoe for a little bit.
Zachy helps lift the pumpkin up to take it to the wheelbarrow.
Too bad there isn’t room in the wheelbarrow for little kids (or moms) to ride in…
Bob’s Corn has the best kettle corn, hands down! Definitely a reason to return next year.