Here's Captain Awesome (declared on his shirt) standing on his 11 month birthday.

At 11 months,
Zachy will answer his hand phone if you say "hello" or "ring ring."

He loves his sister's room (probably wants one of his own...). Here he is taking a break from poking people eyes and poking the dolly's.

Still a crawler, but when he's in shorts outside or on linoleum, he does a hand/foot crawl instead of hand/knee. Is it a gorilla crawl? Bear? Or just plain crazy?

He amuses himself with clicking sounds and raspberries. Look at that drool!
He also likes to do an Indian call or rebel yell.
Too funny! Zachy sees the head nod, but can't get the direction right.
At 11 months, Zachy's top 2 front teeth have started to come in. He looks like a little hippo! He loves going outside and can open the screen door to the deck on his own. When denied the outdoors, he squeals like a pterodactyl. Or is it terror-dactyl?
Zachy is still into kitty food and the dishwasher (will he ever outgrow them?) and loves to play catch. It doesn't matter what size ball or balloon the game is played, it's all good and is accompanied by his constant clapping.