Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer fun with the hose

Grandpa is planting tomatoes! Oh, this is going to be fun, fun, fun!And messy, messy dirty!
At least he didn't topple in face first...
After playing in the dirt, Elena let him have a turn with the hose. The pictures tell the story.


We visited Soundbridge at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. It's a great place for kids to experience musical instruments. Pretty sure tasting the instruments wasn't the experience we were meant to have...
Zachy with the tambourine.
Auntie's friend Susan works at Soundbridge so she was able to show us all sorts of cool things.
This keyboard was fun to bang.
The amplifier wasn't so bad either...
Is that musical talent?
This stair xylophone was more fun on the ground as building blocks.
Soundbridge also has puzzles, listening centers, coloring, music classes, and musical storytime. We're planning to go back again for the storytime, it sounds like fun with music, singing, and even dancing!
After Soundbridge, we went out to lunch with Daddy. And on the way home, Zachy fell asleep.
Must have been a good nap!

Who's the rock star? Zach-Man!

Our little rock star in his guitar one-piece and spiked hair.Unfortunately he's too scrunched over to see the guitar with shoulder strap design sewn on his outfit.
But that spiked hair sure is noticeable!
Rock on little dude!


Zachy climbed into the dishwasher. Dude, you just had a bath! Once there, he didn't know what to do.
Then he realized it was a good place to play. He pulled the racks in and out, and he spun the wash arm.

Then he got booted off because it was wet and he needed to go to bed.

Playing with puppies

Zachy thinks the tunnel is cool!
Poor little guy has wind blown cheeks and chin from a day out picking mushrooms.
He and Morel played ball. Morel didn't seem too disappointed that the ball only got tossed a few inches.

Later, Rainey brought her ball over for Zachy to throw too. He was super busy with the two black dogs.

Captain Awesome is 11 months!

Here's Captain Awesome (declared on his shirt) standing on his 11 month birthday.At 11 months, Zachy will answer his hand phone if you say "hello" or "ring ring."
He loves his sister's room (probably wants one of his own...). Here he is taking a break from poking people eyes and poking the dolly's.
Still a crawler, but when he's in shorts outside or on linoleum, he does a hand/foot crawl instead of hand/knee. Is it a gorilla crawl? Bear? Or just plain crazy?

He amuses himself with clicking sounds and raspberries. Look at that drool!
He also likes to do an Indian call or rebel yell.
Too funny! Zachy sees the head nod, but can't get the direction right.

At 11 months, Zachy's top 2 front teeth have started to come in. He looks like a little hippo! He loves going outside and can open the screen door to the deck on his own. When denied the outdoors, he squeals like a pterodactyl. Or is it terror-dactyl?

Zachy is still into kitty food and the dishwasher (will he ever outgrow them?) and loves to play catch. It doesn't matter what size ball or balloon the game is played, it's all good and is accompanied by his constant clapping.

An apple a day...

Lunch time! We took a break from mushrooming to eat lunch. Zachy found an apple in the cooler and thought it looked tasty.
His top front teeth haven't emerged enough yet for him to actually take a bite, but it sure is fun to slobber all over...
And he'll just keep trying until he gets bored and realizes it could also be a ball, and it gets thrown to the ground.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Visit to the River House

Ooh, the River House! Zachy tries to get around in shorts without the grass tickling his knees.
"Why yes, I am sneaky and like to play in the dog water. That's my cereal, but it's still delicious after being on the patio."
What baby doesn't love bubbles!

This is fun! Hopefully no one will run out of breath...

Zachy went mushrooming for morels. He was in the Kelty backpack for most of it, but when Mommy found a big patch he got to sit in the dirt. He even pulled up a morel! And then put it in his mouth! Zachy, you really need to wait for the mushrooms to be cooked... Good thing the sticks are just as much fun to put in his mouth...
Zachy is fascinated by the morels. They are the perfect size for his little hands to grab and throw on the ground. Maybe we need to rethink letting him have access...
Looking forward to a great season!